How to choose the right mic? Learn how the frequency response of a microphone defines its purpose and why a vocal mic allows your voice to cut throug…
Microphones: Frequency Response
Microphones: Frequency Response
The frequency response is the output level or sensitivity of a microphone over its operating range from lowest to highest frequencies.
Understanding Mic Specs - Part 2: Frequency Response
Flat frequency response
Flat frequency response
A flat frequency response is usually desired for applications where the sound source has to be reproduced without changing or “coloring” the original sound. All audible frequencies (20 Hz – 20 kHz) have the same output level.
Microphones with flat frequency response
Microphones with flat frequency response
Tailored frequency response
Tailored frequency response
A microphone with tailored frequency response is usually designed to enhance a sound source in a particular application. For instance, a microphone may have a peak in the 2 – 8 kHz range to increase intelligibility for live vocals.
Microphones with tailored frequency response
Microphones with tailored frequency response
Adjustable Frequency response
Adjustable Frequency response
Microphones with adjustable frequency response offer sound signature customization that goes beyond (e.g. low-cut) filter options.